Saturday, August 31, 2024
Start prepping!
Friday, August 30, 2024
It doesn’t take a genius to see the obvious
But, here’s the observations of a genius anyway.
Is independent thought right for you?
Thursday, August 29, 2024
What a total asshole.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Leftists should be asking themselves…
why they support the same same candidate that corporate monopolies favor?
Some really bad stuff on the horizon
And, this is just the China threat. Add to this, Middle Eastern terrorists and criminal gangs and some very nasty guerrilla warfare is potentially on the horizon, not to mention destruction of infrastructure and wonton murder of “soft targets.”
Hopefully, at some point, every Democrat that deliberately facilitated this will be held accountable.
The Democrats’ “little piece of paper.” BTW…it’s not paper, it’s parchment.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
No doubt, they were “Saving our democracy.”
The Natural Born Right to Communicate Freely
I don’t recall his exact words but RFK Jr. said something to the effect that in the history of censorship, it has never been the good guys doing the censoring.
There may be many instances of “misinformation” and “disinformation” as well as other dubious uses of a free-speech forum, but you can be sure that the prime abuse of systems of communication will always be those in positions of authority.
This subject alone is good cause for voting for Donald Trump. If you don’t like his brusque manner, comical exaggerations, or hair style, hold your nose and vote for him. The worst that will happen is your life will be as it was before the Biden installation. If the American Communist Party (formally known as the Democrat party) wins, you are potentially about to lose everything.
Monday, August 26, 2024
Enduring the difference
It’s amazing what some people are not getting. If Harris/Walz and the Democrats are effectively installed, everyone’s life is going to change dramatically — including citizens in other countries. If Trump/Vance wins, in spite of a needed cleaning house in the government, few people’s lives will be affected at all.
Like I’ve rhetorically noted before when addressing the Trump deranged, in the past, how has your life been negatively impacted by a Trump presidency?
The paradigm
It’s not an over-simplification to note that the great conflict of our time is one of common citizens vs the elite allies of corrupt power-seeking governments.
It is also not an oversimplification to note that we ultimately choose one of these two sides. The future is being directed by either patriots or fools.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
RFK Jr. basically gave his followers permission to recognize that Trump is the closest thing we have to a genuine rebel.
Trump and abortion
Beyond intriguing
…totally nails it.
than they need.
I guess we’ll have to come up with a new name. Ideally, around the time of Halloween.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
“The enemy of [our] enemy is our friend”
RFK Jr. holds numerous views that are “liberal” and line up with those of a typical 90s Democrat. Plus, that voice can be really grating but, he clearly understands the main issue (as I see it) — a government that is completely out of hand. The megastate, corporate monopoly power, media, etc. are now beyond corrupt. They represent a complete threat to the constitutional freedoms that have guided America since its conception. The Democrat/commie complex fully screwed over RFK Jr. just as they had screwed over Bernie Sanders (obviously, I was no fan) and the millions of voters who supported them. Even the decrepit Joe Biden was actually a victim of the party elite’s machinations.
A Trump presidency with capable people like Elon Musk, RFK Jr., JD Vance, and a host of truly anti-establishment figures will be exactly what is required to guide the ship of state back to its foundations and the path to a prosperous and secure future for all of America’s citizens.
Screw the UN, the EU, Blackrock and assorted cohorts, the lying and stupid fools of establishment media, and most of all, the fellow citizens who think they are rebelling against “the man” by kissing the the ass of every evil institution that now dominates our life.
Friday, August 23, 2024
If you “ain’t for” a return to slavery, — for everyone — then
Another branch of the…
…biggest vote-buying scheme in American history.
need the votes. And, will destroy the country to get them.
Reality vs. fiction
The Democrats and their policies are about wealthy elitist ideologues.
This will not be seen on establishment “news” sources.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
The hypocrisy is off the charts.
How to win an election
Just when we thought they couldn’t be even more stupid.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Socialism “light,” before the fight
It’s important to remember that “socialism” starts as flawed and destructive economic policy but ends with pure political policy. That’s when the coercion, punitive legal actions, and eventually state sanctioned theft of property, reeducation camps, purges, and executions occur. Socialism is always a policy of brutal force.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
The basic difference between conservatives and leftists: Conservatives want control over their own lives. Leftists want control over others’ lives.
More from the great Walz of China
Mao Zedong
Is the single greatest killer of modern times. Famine, purges, executions, imprisonment, and torture.
While communism really sucks, Maoism is the absolute worst of the brand.
And now, what do we have HERE?
Monday, August 19, 2024
Build the wall…and, require voter ID.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Walk Away
Excellent synopsis that pretty much covers every reason to walk away from leftism and the coercive and belligerent Democrat party.
The question to ask any fool you may encounter that has TDS: “How exactly have Trump’s policies negatively impacted your life?”
England at the gates of hell…
Coming to a former free country near you.
Yes we can!
Continuing the Democrat lawfare scam
Not a good sign.
The authoritarian collectivist attempts to establish absolute power over communication and access to information is on a global scale.
The evil charlatans of corrupt communist ideology must be resisted, stopped, and punished. May the backlash be severe.
Friday, August 16, 2024
Democomms + freaks…
Communist “revolution” 2.0
Inflation is caused by excess government spending — this is not rocket science. The stupid but evil candidate of the Democomm party has noted that she will impose price controls of grocery items, with the usual commie claim the increased cost is the result of greedy farmers and grocers (who apparently weren’t greedy four years ago). The costs have gone up of course because the cost of farming and energy/transportation etc. has gone up — all due to government policy. When price controls are imposed, producers can no longer sustain their business. Farmers stop growing, retail stores go out of business. As the dominoes cascade downward, the communists point their fingers everywhere, ultimately attacking the productive elements in society.
In the end, the result — the goal — is to impose absolute and total control over everyone. After a couple decades of utter destitution, the new order teaches new generations that they now live in paradise after being saved by “the party” or “the leader” from the horrors of a free and open society.
As I have often noted; in an age of mass-deception and manipulation, the key to understanding what’s going on is, an understanding of history and human nature.
The events of history do rhyme and we’ve seen this poem before.
Twilight Zone
Word now has it that the worthless corrupt piece of trash, Juan Merchan, will sentence Trump to prison in September. First, remember why an anti-Trump court found him guilty. He is literally accused of having an accountant that put legal expenses in the wrong ledger column. Trump was convicted for each entry. He was accused of doing something that others had actually done and got off with a fine.
Time to wake up. The American Democrat party is actively attempting to seize total control over the country. Remember, they eliminated Bernie Sanders from a prior election. They removed JFK Jr. from being their potential nominee. They’ve done a million-and-one things to remove Donald Trump from existence.
This is a coup by a cabal of globalists who will impose horror upon the world if they succeed.
Thank god for the millions of common citizens, police, and military people that aren’t going to play along with these schemes.
When the time comes — and it’s soon — respond accordingly. Make ‘em pay. Retribution is fully justified. All within legal standards of course…
Thursday, August 15, 2024
It’s true
Our fifth column
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Hands up!
The government is here to help you.
Matt Gaetz’s comments near the end of this short video are particularly cogent.
Democrats — who are now fully communist in their thinking — will always support an increase in coercive state power.
Always relevant repost:
Che Guevara has continued to hold sway over the ideals of the brat class. The Authoritarian Left has milked that famous photo of the useless demogogue to the point where some people actually think he stood for something beyond his own reckless will to power. Here's some reasons to not like Che.
Top Ten (actually 14) Reasons To Not Like Che:
14. Administered summary trials and executions.
13. Always looked stoned.
12. Didn't hold a steady job.
11. Oliver Stone is a "friend of a friend."
10. Always acted like he was cool or something.
9. Promoted peace by wearing army fatigues.
8. In an ancient forgotten tongue his name means, "That dumb guy in the funny hat."
7. Real men don't write diaries -- on a motorcycle or otherwise.
6. Typical pampered socialist spoiled brat.
5. Colonel Sander's image on a t-shirt makes one more approachable.
4. Hair style looks cool on faded t-shirt but in real life was simply unwashed.
3. Admired by vapid, rich Hollywood Communists.
2. His best pal, Fidel, keeps winning elections by not allowing other candidates, and...
The #1 reason to not like Che is......(lets get to the point):
He was ruthless egomaniac socialist demagogue!
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Kamala Harris loves rap…
the same way she loves America.
You’ve gotta be F…n
Monday, August 12, 2024
In a free society…
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Saturday, August 10, 2024
The guy has balls…
…for a guy with no balls.
What an absolutely worthless piece of steaming excrement. The commies are on a roll.
What could be a more profound expression of “hate” than demanding that someone be extradited and imprisoned for seven years for saying something you don’t like?
Friday, August 09, 2024
The Marxist plan for all of America
Tampon Tim burns it all down.
Judge them
by the people they bail out of jail.
Marching orders
Obama in command.
“Educators” 🤪
Both (Dr.🤡) Jill Biden and Tampon Tim Walz are “Education” majors. As someone who had to deal with this nonsensical non-discipline to be certified/licensed to teach, I can verify that such a background has little to do with educating and plenty to do with “socialist revolution” (imposed state authority).
Anyone with a graduate degree in “Education” is more than likely to be a Marxist or at least a milquetoast suburban socialist. Gagged on a poison diet of Castro-loving Jonathan Kozal and Howard Zinn these people couldn’t care less about substantive pedagogy and scholarship.
Walz wanted trans” surgery for young children, abortions for nine-month old babies, and government snitch lines for people in their backyard without a mask. …tells ya everything ya need to know.
Thursday, August 08, 2024
Madness in our time
Time for mass-rejection of
Bogus establishment media.
Dump this communist totalitarian pig on the ash heap of history with his Soviet cousins.
Trying the old “pandemic” / “vaccine”
B.S. again.
Wednesday, August 07, 2024
The new vice presidential contender has claimed that socialism is merely another word for “neighborliness.”
Socialism is NOT “neighborliness.” It’s a political stance that affords maximum power of government over individual lives. Any degree of socialism inevitably reduces freedom and stifles economic progress. In the higher degrees where we are clearly headed, the state becomes a force of punitive action, economic decline, and corrupt exercise of raw power.
Just another communist. The perennial command to obey the state.
When a genuine statesman is honest
Vice President
The comparison. To the point.
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Contemporary England
Complaining about a “carbon footprint” is like complaining about an H2O footprint.
CO2 is NOT pollution.
The incompetence that is
Monday, August 05, 2024
Regarding the election in Venezuela…and potentially — likily — in the U.S., Only a leftist can completely destroy a country’s living standard and its liberties and insist that people have actually voted for more of it.
The establishment’s opponent as a so-called
Sunday, August 04, 2024
A good overview of the
Real Kamala Harris.
Saturday, August 03, 2024
Communists never win elections fairly
It’s always some variation on a coup ď ètat.